Monday, July 11, 2005

Please God, just give me a B

Hi Rebecca,

Your course is fine. As long as the course work is done by August 5th, I am OK with receiving your official transcript once school starts. However, you will not clear my list until I have received the official transcript.

If you do not earn a grade of B or better, you will not clear the prerequisite. In that case, you could not enroll in the program. Let's hope this isn't the case for you.


At 06:25 PM 7/11/2005, you wrote:


I'm currently in the Berkeley Extension Calculus and Analytic Geometry course. Our class doesn't end until Aug. 3. XXXXXXX mentioned to me that we needed to bring some form of proof of enrollment to the Orientation. Could you elaborate on what exactly I should bring? We won't have grade reports at that time.

On a totally paranoid note, have you ever had anyone not get a B and therefore the credit didn't count towards the prerequisite? What would happen in that scenario?

Thank you for your help,


Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 17:47:12 -0700
Subject: About Your Prerequisites for the Haas EWMBA Program


As the school year is fast approaching, we are looking forward to having you join our program. As a reminder, I wanted to emphasize that your math and/or statistics prerequisite course work must be complete prior to attending classes at Haas. If, for some reason you will be unable to complete these prerequisites before coming to Haas, you will not be able to enroll in the program this year. I know several of you have contacted the Admissions Office regarding your prerequisite status, and we appreciate the progress update. If you are encountering difficulty in meeting our deadline, please respond back to me as soon as possible with your specific situation so that we can address it.



Anonymous said...

Did her answer seem subtly filled with evil intent? Or was that just me?

oodles said...

Unfortunately, I took calculus a long time ago, but if you need help, you know where to find me. Have no fear... we'll get you to Haas!

Turd Ferguson said...

I hear Russians really like blondes...

Anonymous said...

RB, I can help you study if you want. Tell me something that it hard and I'll review it in my calculus book.