Monday, July 25, 2005

The dreaded PC arrived

My new Dell laptop showed up this afternoon. I'm actually kind of impressed with it. It only weighs about four pounds and it's much sleeker and cuter than I expected it to be. It's almost chic. One of my coworkers mentioned that it looks much more high-tech and intimidating than my iBook, too. Check it out:


I look powerful and corporate, no? At least slightly deranged in a business-savvy way? This picture made me think that I should really get back in the habit of putting on make-up and brushing my hair before coming into the office. I should at least slap on some lipstick or something, Jeezus.

At any rate, I still don't know how to do anything with the new computer. Tomorrow the little laptop gets set up with some more powerful software than the stuff it came with. I may also get a tutorial, but that remains to be seen.


Kari Gim said...

Fantastic photographer! Who do you use? ;-)

oodles said...

You look so happy! :) Welcome to the Dell world.

Anonymous said...

Hey - "Stick it to Bush"

Anonymous said...

Yea! I finally get to see what the person on the other end of the phone looks like. But, oh, I wish you'd talked to me before going PC. Go back to Mac, go back!