Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Call for submissions

I just received the call below from the editor of this project. Let me know if you're interested in putting together an essay and I can put you in touch with him.

"Ever been to Vietnam, Laos or Cambodia? If so, have you got
a story to tell of your journey? Or do you know somebody
who does? I’ve been commissioned by the publishers of
Travelers’ Tales, http://www.travelerstales.com/guidelines/, to compile an anthology of first person anecdotes about the former French
Indochina to be published early in 2006. If you or someone
you know is interested, please check out the guidelines in
the URL above. Travelers’ Tales doesn’t pay very much but, hey, you make up for it in glory."

1 comment:

D. said...

My friend John Walsh just moved there. He's working at a non-profit in Bancock run by his cousin. I'm sure I could put you in touch