Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Great Wall series

Easing into the China pics

Here's a shot of me and Brian drinking vodka red bulls at a dance club in Shanghai on the last night of the trip. I'm the one on the left. There are crazy clubs everywhere in Shanghai... very swanky. Ten dollar beers type swanky. And they don't ever close.

Okay, here's another one.

It's the view of one bar/club's balcony (many had decks that overlook the river) from another club.

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with the task at hand -- sharing photos and tales of this trip. I figure if I get something out there, the flood gates will open. Baby steps.

Here's one more before I call it a night. Haasholes having happy hour drinks in the afternoon at that same bar. You might recognize the Pearl Tower in the skyline behind them.

Julia, the one in the middle (of course) was my roomie for the trip.

Vegas is gross

I know it's not just Vegas fatigue, because I've been feeling this way since the moment we landed. I'm starting to be very confused by those few people I know who are die-hard Vegas fans, because it just seems so cheesy and gross.

Maybe it's just because I didn't have my pick of hotels (had to crash at the one with the conference rate -- I'm at the MGM Grand where they don't seem to understand the concepts of "customer" or "service"). But really, I can't get my head around the casinos either. Everyone in them seems to be one or all of these things, 1) chain smoking, 2) obese, 3) elderly, 4) from Texas or another one of those red states, 5) sporting bad fake tits. The ones with all five make me really depressed. Especially when they're sitting at the slot machines at 6 am.

I can see how it would be a good destination for something like a bachelorette party... I guess. Seems like somewhere like Scottsdale or a variety of spots in Mexico might offer up the same party atmosphere with a little more class.

You know me. I'm a classy broad.

My blog is also PG

Also, as in addition to Linda's. We're such clean cut girls.


This was determined by the presence of the word "turd" twice (really, that's all?), as well as the presence of the word "crappy."

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Back in the U.S.

Albeit, Vegas. I've been here since Sunday, which is quite enough Vegas for anyone. Flew into SFO from Shanghai Saturday morning, flew out to Vegas Saturday night. Had just enough time at home to squeeze in some quick lovin', unpack, and repack.

There's no blogging in China. You can't access any of them, or the site. The government firewall locks it all out. Word on the street is that some blogs that are hosted by Chinese blog sites work, but I couldn't call them up. Eventually, I'll have some photos up and some reflections on the trip to post. The short version is that is was awesome and I was sad when it ended.

Since arrival in Vegas, I have spent much of my time combating the worst stomach problems I have ever had. Sunday night I was curled into the fetal position on the bathroom floor -- as close as possible to the toilet -- when my sister started asking if she should take me to the hospital. The concierge offered to send up a medic. The whole group that went to China suffered from the usual collection of traveler's digestive problems (some fairly severe), but I have no idea why mine should take such an extreme turn upon reentry.

I'm feeling almost human now, and honestly can't wait to be back in my hood and sleep in my own bed.