Saturday, November 10, 2007

She's a little bit country...

he's a little bit rock 'n roll.

The Dude and Maxine also got dressed up for Halloween. Poor dogs. But they're just so funny! Hah!

Pictures of the toothless giraffe

I'm finally posting pics of the now legendary giraffe costume we made Sam for Halloween. Yes, I busted out the sewing machine, and Dave now has a special place in his heart for paper mache.

Sam asked specifically to have a removable tail (it safety pins on) so he could have the option of rocking the giraffe suit as jammies or casual wear after Halloween had come and gone. The top and bottom are made of polar fleece and pretty soft, so I guess I can understand that thinking.

P.S. Sam lost his first tooth a couple of weeks before Halloween. The new one is already halfway in, but it did make this giraffe a bit of a snaggletooth.