Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Vegas is gross

I know it's not just Vegas fatigue, because I've been feeling this way since the moment we landed. I'm starting to be very confused by those few people I know who are die-hard Vegas fans, because it just seems so cheesy and gross.

Maybe it's just because I didn't have my pick of hotels (had to crash at the one with the conference rate -- I'm at the MGM Grand where they don't seem to understand the concepts of "customer" or "service"). But really, I can't get my head around the casinos either. Everyone in them seems to be one or all of these things, 1) chain smoking, 2) obese, 3) elderly, 4) from Texas or another one of those red states, 5) sporting bad fake tits. The ones with all five make me really depressed. Especially when they're sitting at the slot machines at 6 am.

I can see how it would be a good destination for something like a bachelorette party... I guess. Seems like somewhere like Scottsdale or a variety of spots in Mexico might offer up the same party atmosphere with a little more class.

You know me. I'm a classy broad.


Anonymous said...

It's Wednesday.

Inga said...

I cannot think of an obese person with fake tits.

Other than Anna Nicole Smith. Or Jack Nicholson and a ladyfriend.

RB said...

There are about one zillion of them downstairs right now.

And, it hasn't been Wednesday for all of the five days I've been here.

Turd Ferguson said...

You said "tits". Your blog is now rated PG-13

Anonymous said...

it's funny how girls will say "fake tits," but not just plain old "tits."
