Saturday, July 30, 2005

Movie review: The Island

Inga and I went to see The Island this afternoon. I was curious after reading gossip about its production in Entertainment Weekly and though she hadn't heard of it, Inga was game. There's not all that much to say about the movie, though. The stars are pretty to look at, there are an extreme amount of explosions and fight scenes, and the film attempts to include a dab of social commentary. If I had to sum The Island up in one word, that word would be "gratuitous." Still, I wish there had been more luuuuv scenes (there was really only one). They should have taken out a few explosions and replaced them with a little more skin.

Unless you're desperate for a way to blow a few hours, save your ten bucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think certain male readers (the Jorny-Tel) would also like to know the movie has nary a shot of Scarlett's naked boobies. Not even cleavage. Not even the famous "Michael Bay wanted me to wake up in a bra and I was like 'No girl would wake up in a bra'" scene.