Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Getting oriented

The same mailer that supplied the bad news about the laptop requirements, also included the details of the Orientation weekend. This is the required new student orientation for which I am missing the much anticipated Shastathon 2005.

We're spending the weekend at a hotel in the Berkeley Marina. One day they're planning to bus us to campus for tours, meetings, and to work in groups on case studies, but the other day is all team building exercises. They have one of those consulting companies who specialize in that sort of thing coming in to work with us, so I'm expecting a lot of rope climbing, hand holding, and blind falling. On Saturday night there's a dinner/booze cruise around the Bay. Team building, shmeam building. Nothin' facilitates getting to know new people like booze.

All in all, it sounds like it could be kinda fun, though obviously not as fun as being drunk for 48 consecutive hours on a houseboat.

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