Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I'm pissed!

And so is everyone else who counts on BART to get around. I've been watching news coverage of the negotiations and the reporters keep interviewing commuters in BART stations about what they think about the whole situation. The universal response is that the BART workers should suck it up and negotiate if they need to, but not walk off the job. I am impressed by the fact that even in the super-liberal Bay Area, few people seem sympathetic to the BART workers threatening to strike.

There will be no word on whether the strike is on until midnight, when BART management is holding a press conference. If they strike, BART will close down entirely resulting in total gridlock throughout the Bay Area. My plan is to work at home, but I'm not sure what to do about the calculus test I'm supposed to take in Berkeley tomorrow evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RB, check it out:


They reached an agreement. I hope it was to fire every BART conductor and hire new ones for half the cost.