Thursday, July 14, 2005

How much does a BlackBerry cost?

It's already become evident to me that all of the cool kids in business school 1) own designer jeans, 2) regularly travel for business, and 3) have Blackberries, supplied by their firms. They all seem to be very organized and completely presentable -- the kind of people who bathe in showers where the grout is always sparkling white, who don't ever buy used stuff, and who go to the dentist every six months because of course they have great dental coverage. I wonder if there will be other kids for me to hang out with, too? I'm hoping for some MBA people who are into blogging, mostly wear graphic Ts they bought a couple years ago, and can't wake up in time to do their hair.

That seems doubtful, though, so maybe I should start shopping. On second thought, maybe I can infiltrate the system and covert them my flip-flops-at-work lifestyle.


Anonymous said...

I vote for the infiltrate-with-flip-flops idea.

Anonymous said...

I second Kay's emotion. The business world could use some of your funk (and I mean that in the cool AND unwashed ways).

oodles said...

Don't get one! They are highly addictive... My brother-in-law has one and it's just dangerous! Go with the flip-flops.