Monday, August 08, 2005

Was it all a lie?

I couldn't help but notice that in my class tonight (my first class at Haas) there were three students taking notes on iBooks. Was it all a lie? Could I have stuck with my Mac?

I do know that there are at least two key course websites that I can't access correctly without a PC, so I'm not going to start feeling betrayed, yet. The Macs in class were just enough to raise my suspicions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So is it a right-click thing? Surely the course designers would have made the courses ambi-computer-dexterous. (hey, if it's spelled wrong, it's because I'm a carpenter and my wife is the writer, remember?)

Are you sure you can't assign a function key or something? It's probably that the IT folks at the college are on the payroll for MicroFlop.