Friday, August 19, 2005

e again!

If you've read, heard, or watched any news in the last 16 hours, you probably know that Google has decided to sell off 14.2 million shares of stock, which will be worth about $4 billion.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the exact number of shares they plan to sell is 14,159,265. The digits in that number are the same digits that follow the decimal point in the value of pi. It seems the corporate culture down at Google must be a little quirky, and have a heavy math geek influence. During the company's IPO, they stated in the official paperwork that they wanted to raise $2,718,281,828. Those digits are the digits in the value for the magical number e (e is equal to around 2.718281828), from calculus.

It was exciting to find another instance of my old friend e, albeit not a naturally occuring one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's pretty awesome.