Thursday, August 11, 2005

Class is fine

Many of you have been asking how my first week of classes has gone. I’ve been a little slow on the correspondence this week, but it’s been fine. A little boring, even. Classes are less intimidating than I thought they’d be. Things have started at a slow and easy-to-understand pace. That may change soon, but for the time it’s nice to not feel completely overwhelmed.

The coolest thing is that going to business school is like buying a whole pack of instant friends (perhaps similar to Greek life as an undergrad?). Everyone is so gregarious by nature that it’s almost overwhelming -- especially when you’re joking around with someone over a beer and then you realize that they’re a Vice President at Wells Fargo. It's intimidating! Then again, I tend to forget just how many of my non-MBA friends have also built up super impressive careers while still young (you know who you
are -- there are a lot of you).

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