Thursday, August 11, 2005

Fired over a blog

I’ve noticed a lot of media coverage lately about people who have been fired because of stuff they posted on personal blogs. My mom has even taken to calling me to warn me about the dangers of blogging, though her fears are mainly focused on the opportunities blogging may present for stalkers and rapists.

People Magazine (shut up -- my roommate buys it) recently ran an article about terminations prompted by blogging. The rag reported that these three bloggers have all lost their jobs over their blogs:

Diary of a dYsFuNcTioNaL Flight Attendant
Jolie in NYC

The plaxoed! guy was fired from Google, which is particularly shocking considering the fact that Google owns However, if you do a Google search you can also find cases of employees getting fired for blog content at Microsoft and Friendster. It’s kind of crazy how common it is.

I have limited the amount that I discuss my job and company on this blog, though I do think my job would make for a lot of interesting blog material. I suspect that the only way blogging will get me in to trouble is by keeping me up nights, making me hit that snooze alarm one too many times in the mornings.


oodles said...

Um... I sooo don't buy People (OK, maybe once). Our other roomie gets them from the club...I just happen to read them. I demand a reprint of this blog entry.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere (CNN? NYT?) that most bloggers get fired for blogging AT WORK, not necessarily for their work-related content. Nevertheless, I recommend to everyone never mentioning your workplace specifically on your blog.

Also, apropos of the subject: my boss gets People magazine at work. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Val blogs at & about work. Don't fire her okay? ;-)