Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Your words of wisdom

For some reason, you people refuse to use the comments function of this blog (why doesn't Turd have this problem?). I've received approximately 73 email responses to my post about my dating anxiety. I thought I would share some of the most amusing and thoughtful bits of advice:

"The nervousness is scary, but in a way kind of cool, especially if you can tell that the other person is a little nervous, too. It means you both care."

"Just take a bunch of Xanax before each date. Sure, you'll end up drooling on yourself in public, but at least you don't remember how nervous you were. Hopefully she/he will be on a bunch of Xanax too. You'd already have something to talk about!"

"I think you're over-thinking things. Especially when it comes to worrying about all the possible personal issues that might come up during a date. A pit stain or two isn't going to make or break things. Trust me, I know."

"If you can't find things to talk about with a person on a date I'd say that's a pretty good sign that you're not all that compatible, anyway."

This is my personal favorite:

"I don't think you should force yourself to try and do things because you think you should be doing them. Let things happen naturally. After a while you'll probably realize the error of your ways and come running back to me."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alright so I am an avid reader but do so in anonymity...anyhow worst date was when i had fake teeth and they came our pre-pickup. cant get much worse than that...

this is somme good fodder for date convy - >