Thursday, September 15, 2005

Test Results

I recently had my first test of grad school handed back. I got an A- and it was a microeconomics midterm. I could have done a better job studying and I also made a few dumb mistakes that I shouldn't have, but I'm perfectly happy with an A-. If I can get low As with spotty preparation and mistakes, this back-to-school thing could be manageable. They might have gone easy on us the first time, though.

I never thought I'd say this, but thank god I took calculus over the summer. We're already using derivatives (and they don't do much math review of any kind) all over the place in econ, as well as several of the functions my calculus instructor insisted that we learn. I know you're wondering if "e" has reappeared, and I'm sad to say the answer is no. There is no "e" in econ, yet.

I never should have questioned the relevance of calculus.


Anonymous said...

This isn't really a comment to your entry, but just wanted to say that I'm reading and I miss you!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading too and you remember that I am your master, woman!!!!