Friday, September 02, 2005

Speaking of The Superficial...

Has anyone else noticed that The Superficial isn't very funny lately? I'm not sure if they switched writers, or what, but it doesn't have the same zing. The normally sassy jokes are now a little tired. It can be pitiful when blogs written with the sole purpose of being funny just aren't. It seems like that happens to dudes a lot.

I will give them this -- The Superficial does kick ass when it comes to being first to report the best dirt (even if half of their reports are blatant lies). The upcoming issue of Us Weekly has a four page spread on Jennifer Anniston and Vince Vaughn being seen snuggling and kissing at a blues club in Chicago. The Superficial reported the story first, at least a week ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Fug Yourself is WAY funnier