Sunday, September 11, 2005

I miss my Entourage

Today is one of my first Sundays in awhile without a heavy dose of Entourage. I think I'm experiencing withdrawal. One of my coworkers pointed out that the majority of the characters on the show are self-centered jerks, but I love them anyway. My favorite shows are the ones with plotlines centered on Ari and the agency. I like to fantasize about becoming a big Hollywood agent someday... Wheeling and dealing, worrying about my clients' coverage in US Weekly, throwing my daughter a star-studded bat mitzvah. Ah, that would be the life!

I guess I'll just have to suffer until HBO comes up with some new episodes. Unfortunately, they have very strange seasons scheduled, and I can't figure out exactly when that will be. Maybe other Entourage fans know?


Turd Ferguson said...

Yeah, Entourage is awesome. Its dumb that there are only half hour episodes. And that Ari isn't in every single scene.

Anonymous said...

I have season one disc one from Netflix right now. I will not watch it until I have worked on my resume for at least an hour.