Friday, September 16, 2005

Another thought...

Watching the Enron film made me realize that my inherent distrust of the news media has become extreme. Maybe too extreme. An unfortunate result of my distrust (and disgust?) is that whenever there's a massive, ongoing story -- like the Enron scandal, the Lewinsky scandal, the tsunami, or Katrina -- I tend to totally tune out, almost like I have blinders on. It's bad news for me (no pun intended) because I wind up being out of the loop on everything but the most basic details of events that have major impacts on our culture.

I just can't get around my low tolerance for the manner in which the coverage is presented. Each headline story is seemingly the biggest deal EVER. It's so transparently commercial. I really hate TV news. Local TV news is by far the worst.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i do the same thing. it's impossible to get an objective report on ANYTHING that's remotely news worthy, at least on television. I haven't watched coverage of any of those examples beyond the first day, for that very reason.