Thursday, June 23, 2005

I know you love reading about calculus

Calculus class tonight was not all bad. For starters, a new guy showed up that I hadn't seen before. He's very easy on the eyes and I don't think he's gay (unlike the other cute boy in class). Don't get the wrong idea -- it's not that I'm looking or anything. It's just that like any red-blooded, heterosexual, American woman, I tend to notice these things.

In addition, we started going over concepts that sort of make sense to me. We've moved on to describing and drawing graphs, which is good. I can see the graph, draw the curves, and there's not much abstract stuff to get confused about. It's all right there in front of me.

The best part of class was when our instructor (Russian, salt-and-pepper hair, wearing khakis and New Balance) became flustered, exclaiming, "We need to continue, but I am getting tired! When I get tired I lose the end of my sentences. Maybe it's too hot in here? Maybe I am just too emotional?" I think the dry-erase marker fumes may have been getting to him.

For any of you calculus fans who might still be following along, today we covered describing graphs of functions, the First and Second Derivative Rule, and curve sketching. We also had our first quiz. I'm not expecting fabulous results, but you'll find out on Saturday how I did.


Anonymous said...

I wish I was taking calculus. how much is it? can I come to class sometime?

RB said...

It costs $600 and pretty much every weekend of summer 2005.