Wednesday, July 26, 2006

News Flash! RB lands new job

I was offered a job acquiring books for Wiley early last week and I accepted the offer. I gave my two weeks notice to my current employer on Friday. My last day at Avalon is August 4. I'll then take a week off and start my new gig on August 14.

I'm going to be working on the business and management line for the Jossey-Bass imprint. They publish a lot of books that will likely only interest you if you're an MBA-type kid. Some of the top sellers include The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and Death by Meeting (stop rolling your eyes -- they're interesting and useful books! they sell hundreds of thousands of copies!). I'm super excited about working on this particular subject matter. It will make my Haas life and professional life sync up extremely well, for the next two years at least. The new job is downtown, which cuts my daily commute from an hour and a half to about fifteen minutes, and opens all kinds of doors for convenient shopping and socializing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats!! a 15 minute commute is a great thing, that alone will make your life more happy. see you tomorrow!