Thursday, July 06, 2006

Just dreams

In the past few weeks I've been having tons of those dreams that you don't realize are dreams until half way through your day, when something triggers that memory and you realize that it doesn't make enough sense to be a real memory. For instance, I recently dreamt that my cell phone broke in half (not like a part falling off, but that it literally split into two chunks right across the middle). It was very disressing to me. On a different night, I dreamt that my toes were covered in dark fur that was long enough to braid. You'd think that dream would have been kind of disturbing, but in it I was just running my fingers through the fur thinking, "Hmmm... Maybe I should start shaving my toes."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why shave? Think of the cost savings of not having to buy socks...or for that matter Easy Spirit pumps!