Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It's party time!

The semester is officially over and I have a truck and six kegs waiting for me to pick them up on Saturday morning. What could be more promising than that?

Last night (after one or two glasses of wine) I decided I should marry that Utah Jazz basketball player we've all been seeing so much of lately, so I could take his last name. I would then be Becky Boozer, party planner extraordinaire! My event planning empire would grow at an astonishing rate, and I'd have to change this blog to

The headcount for Saturday's celebration is now up to 350, which is causing me a little anxiety. Not really sure how this is all gonna work, as the site we've got is meant for 150 people. I'm sure all those 350 picnickers won't all show up at once, right?


Stephen said...

Becky and Carlos, sittin' in a tree. Ahh, The Boozers.

Does it mean anything when the first three letters of the word verification are A D D?

Anonymous said...

I heard Tom Leycis (idiot radio host extraordinaire) tell some lady yesterday that she only wanted to get married because she wanted half the dude's money and that if she wants to have a family name she should just change it.

So, you know, you don't need to marry a Jazz player to become a Boozer.

It also made me think: How SCARY if a girl you were dating randomly CHANGED HER NAME TO YOURS? Dead rabbits would definitely be in your future.

Anonymous said...

Update: Tom Leycis looks like Lou Pearlman and Mickey Rourke mated and then the kid adopted the "shades indoors with a shit eating grin" thing from Jack Nicholson.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, Linda Leycis ... now THAT's got a ring.

Anonymous said...

No I'd have to be Linda Leycis *without* the ring.