Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Headed out of town

I'm driving to Tahoe this Friday morning. I haven't been in years, it seems (I try to avoid the torture of being a non-skier in Tahoe during ski season), and I can't remember what the weather is like this time of year. There was talk of tubing down the Truckee on Saturday, but it seems like we'd freeze, right? Even thought it's supposed to be sunny and in the 70s, that river is just liquid snow. I may be remembering wrong, but I thought it was freezing even in August.

Nothin' much on the agenda other than sleeping in, drinking beers in the afternoon, and maybe making some big dinners. I've got to squeeze in some spacey, unproductive, fun-in-the-sun time before heading to NYC first thing Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the truckee will be pretty is basically just snow run off - and I dont know if its had a lot of time to warm up. that being said, because its shallow its definitely warmer than tahoe (which no matter what time of year is always cold) but get a couple a beers in ya, you wont feel a thing! have fun! take pictures!