Monday, January 08, 2007

This post is terrible

I think that lately the difficulty behind regular blogging is that it requires the same kind of thinking as my job. I go to work each day, and I've got to come up with all this stuff to say all the time... Intelligent opinions, feedback, creative ideas, etc. The blog is like that, too. It doesn't have to be intelligent, I suppose, but it has to be something somewhat unique and from me. Recently I'm noticing a lot of instances when I don't know what I think or what to say. In fact, I might be brain dead. Much of the time, I just want to say, "I don't know. What do you think?" Maybe it's a sign that I've naturally come to a point where I am ready to develop my active listening skills.

Unfortunately for you, I subscribe to the theory that if you have writers' block, you just have to write through it. About whatever comes to mind, without considering the quality too much. As long as you write (or in this case blog) something, you're making progress.

On that note, over the weekend I did a massive early spring cleaning. You might be surprised at how useful and truly inspirational Organization for Dummies actually is. I threw out about four garbage bags full of old papers, files I didn't need anymore, goodwill stuff, art projects gone wrong, and the like. Then I rearranged my bedroom furniture. My things still aren't as organized as I would like them (my biggest problem is clothes and where to put them), but it's a good
start -- a bit of a clean slate for 2007.


Anonymous said...

You didn't throw away the paintings you made by putting paint on yourself and then laying on the canvas, did you??

RB said...

No, of course not. I tried, but I just couldn't do it. Maybe you'll get one for your birthday this year.