Tuesday, February 07, 2006

In case your wallet is stolen

There are a few relatively easy things you can to to save yourself a lot of misery if your wallet is ever lost or stolen. I highly recommend the following:

1) Do NOT carry your social security card, or anything that has your social security number written on it, with you. If both your photo ID and your social security number are stolen, you can pretty much kiss your identity and good credit score goodbye.

2) Get a back-up photo ID. I know that Oregon and California both offer ID cards for non-drivers. They look almost exactly like drivers licenses. You should get one and keep it somewhere safe, like your nightstand. That way, when your wallet is stolen you can still go to the bank and withdraw cash and you can still write checks during the weeks it takes to replace everything. You can also use your passport to get cash at the bank, but most places won't let you write a check with a passport as ID.

3) If your wallet is stolen, put a freeze on your credit report. You can do this online through any of the big three credit-tracking companies. They put a 90-day initial warning on your account, which means that any company requesting your credit report or trying to open a new account in your name must call you (at a phone number you provide) to make sure that you are actually you.


Turd Ferguson said...

If Hip E could find his wallet, he would do none of these things.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry. I keep Hip E's wallet with his balls in my nightstand.

Anonymous said...

what, that one nightstand?