Sunday, February 12, 2006

Dating success for AF

AF finally sent me the scoop on his Thursday-night date:

"The first date of singledom was pretty much a success. That is, I didn’t say anything too offensive, no food was spilled all over my shirt, I stayed within the three drink limit, and I mostly kept my hands to myself.

We met up after class, dropped her car off at her house, and made our way to the bar. We were both starving and ordered food. The conversation went well for the most part -- it’s never easy when you’re just getting to know someone. I did notice that we mostly talked about her. She didn’t ask a lot of questions about me, so it was hard to highlight all of my positive attributes. It’s not a big deal, but I felt like I was driving the conversation. Still, the conversation was fun and easy-going.

After a few beers and food, I took her home and she invited me up to watch TV. Seinfield and a very cheesy movie on the Christian channel (the station with the best reception) provided for a lot of laughs. Anyhow, I held her hand and at the end of the movie we snogged for a bit. Which was great -- we seem compatible in the necking department. Unfortunately, she had to get up early for work, so I made my way back home, but not before a passionate good-night kiss.

All in all, it seemed like a really good date. But Friday I called and asked her to hang out this weekend, which she declined (too busy). Naturally, I tend to push things a bit. But we do have plans for Tuesday. Since things seem a little low-key right now, I think I may pass on Married Guy’s good ideas and not mention VD too much on Tuesday. "

Teaser: Next week AF tries!


RB said...

Snogging? Necking? Three-drink limit??

Anonymous said...

I can say some crazy things after three drinks. Besides, I was trying to be on my best behavior (sort of).

Anonymous said...

Is AF British?

Turd Ferguson said...

I don't think so linda. I hear British dudes are all gay.

Anonymous said...

k definitely does not stand for Karl.

Anonymous said...

Turd: I meant the "snogging"

AF: Karl? What the?