Thursday, May 12, 2005

Jeff, if you read this don't hyperventilate

Though I consider myself to be a strong feminist, I recently decided that if Jeff and I ever get married I will take his surname, legally changing my name to Rebecca Kathleen Browning Lupo, but not change my signature, ID, or checks immediately -- just keep going by Rebecca Browning. Then if we had kids or if something else happens that inspires me, I could change my day-to-day last name to Lupo if I wanted. It makes all the difference that Lupo is an awesome last name and that it sounds so good (it means "wolf" in Italian). I would never have considered taking any of my other boyfriends' names were we to marry.

I've already changed what I go by once, in order to achieve an end. I suspect that experience might have swayed my opinions on the surname issue a little. I didn't want to seem young, so I started going by Rebecca, instead of Becky. Though it's not extremely different, I had to learn to answer to it. I like that "Rebecca Browning" sounds literary and professional. Plus, I like that Rebecca is a biblical name. It's not the infusion of godliness I enjoy -- I prefer biblical names because they're classic and traditional. I also think that Rebecca can be kind of sexy connotations. However, if I ever became a Lupo I'd start going by Becky all the time again. I really like the sound of the name "Becky Lupo." I think that I'd really like Becky Lupo. She sounds fun and sporty, like a confident, successful, thirty-something woman to me.

In addition, as I get older I realize that any attachment I have to my current last name isn't based on a wish to honor my own family. My family connections are on my mom's side. Though I love my last name, I don't necessarily associate "Browning" with the my lineage or the majority family traditions.


Anonymous said...

I can't help it--you're always Becky to me, and occasionally Reba. But this Rebecca woman is certainly making a name for herself . . . (yes, I see the pun too)
You're like Wonder Woman. With the lasso of truth, and oh, so sexxy hot pants!

Anonymous said...

Now all you need is an invisible jet, with a plastic figurine inside.

Anonymous said...

But the thing is that Becky Lupo would totally need a bob. Are you willing to give up the hair? Does love run that deep? Just think about it.

RB said...

Hmmm... a bob. I didn't think about that. And you're so right!

I might need to give this a little more consideration.

Anonymous said...

Mia - I just laughed out loud.