Saturday, May 14, 2005

Exciting new blog!

Josh Berman, one of my all-time favorite travel writers to work with, just launched a new blog about his upcoming trip around the world. He got married last winter. Now he and his wife, Sutay, are going to take on a nomadic existence for awhile. To me, it doesn't actually seem like a crazy new thing for Josh. He's always emailing from amazing places. But then I spend my days in Emeryville, so almost anywhere seems amazing. In truth, they really will be headed to a lot of exotic places. I know that they're starting off in India. India is the ultimate travel destination, to me. From what I hear, it breaks you or you love it.

Josh co-wrote Moon Handbooks Nicaragua with his Peace Corps buddy Randy Wood. Moon Handbooks Nicaragua is pretty much the bible for travelers headed down there; they did an amazing job writing it and I am so proud that we publish it. The guys are about to start work on a guide to moving to Nicaragua, called Living Abroad in Nicaragua. That is, they'll start it if I ever get the contract in the mail to them.

Josh and Randy have helped me out a ton in getting ready for my little trip. It will be awesome to get back from Nica and be able to follow Josh around the world through his blogging. Be sure to check out his bio.


Anonymous said...

Are you going to provide a link?

RB said...

Just click the title of the posting. It's a link already.