Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The fur makes me a little crazy

For the umpteenth time in my life, I am coming to terms with the fact that I am a total sci-fi geek. I'm somewhat closeted, which is easy because most people don't expect such a thing of me, but The Revenge of the Sith is really bringing all of my latent geek tendencies to a head.

You've got to see this wookiee picture from the movie. I'm anal about following copyright laws, so go to http://movieweb.com/movies/galleries.php?film=7&id=2108. Click on the fourth photo down in the column of photos on the far right hand side of your browser widow. Now just look at all of them! Tee hee hee. I can barely stand it. It looks like Chewbacca enters the plot as a character in this episode, too. How is that going to tie in? I wonder what the average wookiee lifespan is?

I desperately want to go see the movie this Saturday, but I refuse to deal with grown men in storm trooper costumes. It seems like they should have at least one clearly specified non-Star-Wars-junkie-only show during opening weekend. Then again, would I qualify?

Also, does anyone else find it slightly alarming that the spell-check tool on my laptop identifies "Chewbaca" as an incorrect spelling, but is fine with "Chewbacca." The double 'c' at the end is actually the correct spelling, but it's still weird. Last time I checked, the word wasn't in Webster's.

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