Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What is it?

Have you seen the TV commercials for it? They don't so much say what "it" is, but they lead you to this website. I can't find anything on the website that explains what "it" is either. There's a countdown to when they're going to release it, though.

What the hell?


Anonymous said...

t-rex figured it out. although, i looked this morning at the website and none of the stuff that's on it now, is there. but if you look now "it's" for e-bay. and they are trying to market their slogan whatever it is "you can get it on ebay".


RB said...

I'm pissed. That's dumb. Basically "it" is anything you want and you can get anything you want on ebay?


Anonymous said...

but it made you look! and it made you think of ebay.

Anonymous said...

Plus, it's true.

Anonymous said...

remember that old ambiguous MLife commercial that AT+T used to air? it's the same kind of thing. generate buzz over a product or service, that it couldn't get on it's own merit, and you'll be more profitable. it's a genious way of marketing - if - in the end your consumers/audience aren't disappointed when they find out what the actual product is...like ebay. big whoop.

RB said...

It not only made me look, it got me to post it and make all of you look. Tricky ebay marketers.