Saturday, October 22, 2005


My marketing group continues to dig up new product possibilities for our class project. We've considered tape worm diets, convertible high heels, round towels (potentially marketed as "The Rowel"), and more.

Currently in the lead is an iPod peripheral device. The product would securely strap your iPod to your arm and use a sensor to measure your heart rate. The device would connect to the iPod via the USB and control the play list. Software loaded onto the iPod would translate your heart rate data into song choices. Mainly people would use this thing when they're working out. Fast songs would come on when you were running hard and your heart rate was up, slower songs if you were cooling down or stretching. The iPod would also display your heart rate, maybe keep track of the time, and possibly calculate approximate calories burned, etc., so you could keep tabs on your workout.

Now we need a name...


Anonymous said...

RB said...

Basically, our concept combines the Forerunner technology with an iPod. With the iPod device, you'd get the music, too.

Anonymous said...

How about iBeats?

Load said...


