Thursday, August 02, 2007

Stupid ethics

I wish it wasn't completely unethical to post some of the book proposals and emails I get everyday at work, because, man -- there is some high entertainment value there. Basically, it's all rooted in laughing at someone's genuine book idea, though, so it's pretty much evil entertainment. Arguably the best kind.

That's the thing about book publishing. It's such a fine line between being a creative genius and a complete and total nutjob. It might not even matter if you're a complete at total nutjob as long as you're a skilled self-promoter with some business sense.

Speaking of, here's a website I stumbled across today:


RB said...

Yeah... if anyone ever caught me doing it, I'd probably get fired in about 15 seconds. Not to mention no one would ever want to work with me. It's super funny stuff, though, believe me.

Hip E. said...

How about you tell us over drinks sometime?