Monday, July 09, 2007

Knocked Up

I went to go see that Katherine Heigl/Seth Rogen movie yesterday and was pretty disappointed. Parts of it were funny, but the reviews had made it sound like it was going to be peeing-my-pants funny. It was more just a chuckle-here-and-there-and-now-I-am-for-sure-never-getting-pregnant funny. In fact, I was a little upset and grossed out when I left the movie theater. Not a lot, just enough that I wouldn't say I really enjoyed it. I still love both Katherine Heigl and Seth Rogen, though.


Anonymous said...

I thought The 40 Year-Old Virgin was better. Possibly because it was just so unrealistic that the Katherine Heigl character would track down the total loser who she had a drunken, embarassing one-night stand with and then decide to start dating him and have a baby with him instead of getting an abortion (or just being a single mom if she was some kind of church-going Orange County conservative). Also, while she is pretty hot, she is not 1/2 the actor that Catherine Keener was in 40YOV. Thirdly, she leaves her bra on every time she has sex? Really? Come on.

Some good, snappy dialog though, and Paul Rudd is great.

Anonymous said...

i thought it was hilarious and almost as good as 40 year old virgin. there's a good article in the current new yorker about the evolution of the romantic comedy and how knocked up, though flawed, is a "cultural event."

rb, as a successful, ambitious, beautiful woman who was involved for some time with a "man-boy," you might find it especially of interest.

RB said...

Maybe that's why I couldn't find it funny. I was reminded too much of a certain ex? It's true. I certainly was.