Thursday, September 21, 2006

NEWS FLASH: Linda moving to the hood!

That's right, Linda is moving to Noe Valley in October. She's going to live about four blocks away from your truly. We'll be neighbors! This is by far the best news I've gotten all week. She's moving in with two female roommates. Here's what she had to say:

"The ladies are awesome. We were sitting outside at Pasta Pomodoro with their little dogs and I was laughing a lot and it just felt fantastic. They're both recent NYC transplants getting PhDs in psychology so they're totally interesting and cool. The room isn't great shakes but the rest of the package feels so good I'm just gonna take it."

I'm so excited I could just about pee my pants. I've already started work on trying to convince her to join my scooter gang. Blonde chicks on Vespas in Noe Valley = bad ass.


Anonymous said...

"...the rest of the package feels so good I'm just gonna take it."

Linda is a slut.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for linda! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay for the package!