Thursday, September 07, 2006

Another good poo story from Clare

It's been awhile since Clare checked in to update us on any of her adventures in parenting. But, it looks like the wait was worth it. She's got another semi-disgusting story involving Jack, Ross, and a lot of poop:

"It's Saturday. Jackson is seven and a half months old. We're finally getting him to sleep more through the night, and we have a pretty good bedtime routine down. I'm in the bathroom, filling the tub for step 1a in Operation Jack to Bed, Ross is performing step 1b: getting Jackson undressed and ready for his bath. Normally we'd have a fun bath, then get him dressed in fresh diaper and snugly sleeper (steps 2 & 3), give him a final feeding (step 4), and read a few stories (step 5), before putting him in the crib in hopes he'll fall fast asleep (step 6).

I'm thinking through the sequence in my mind, easy to do with the faucet drowning out all other sound, when I realize Ross is yelling for me (he and I were in neighboring rooms, but man, that running water is loud). I turn off the water, and head to Jackson's room -- to a sight I never thought I'd see.

Ross is standing with his back to me, his hands about face level holding Jackson's ankles. What? I did a double take. A poop-covered baby foot is stretched skywards, a poop-covered baby butt is aimed -- dangerously close -- at Ross’s face, and the rest of Jackson is dangling naked over the changing table.

At that point, I REALLY wanted to take a picture but that wouldn't have been fair to Ross who, with hands covered in poop, had little idea how he had gotten into that situation. Apparently his super-dad skills had gone to work, making a quick grab for Jack before he rolled off the changing table (after having just rolled himself through his dirty diaper).

I grabbed as many wet-wipes as I could and went to work quickly so Jackson's head wouldn't explode from all the blood rushing into it (as I understand it, babies are not meant to be dangling upside down for extended periods of time). With tears in our eyes from laughing, Ross and I de-pooped the kid, plopped him into the tub, and plopped ourselves back into our regular bedtime routine. Jackson laughed to whole time, too."

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