Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Pssst! We can see your boobs!

I don't understand why it's acceptable for celebrities to wear clothes in public that don't cover up their privates. Take Hilary Swank, for instance. Up until now she's seemed like a relatively normal, down to earth sort of person -- especially for a celebrity. I know everyone forgets to put on a bra every once in awhile... you wake up late, you're trying not to miss your bus, it happens. I assume that she a) owns a mirror, b) does not suffer from any sort of uncorrected visual impairment, and c) couldn't possibly leave the house without realizing that we could totally see through her shirt. If my assumption that it's an intentional fashion statement is correct, doesn't she worry about running into old coworkers, or her dad? If I left the apartment in this get up, people would freak out and then send me home to cover myself. Or at least lend me a sweatshirt.

Then again, maybe they wouldn't. It would be an interesting experiment to wear something like this one day to see if anyone from school or work would say anything about it. Keep the comments clean, boys.


Anonymous said...

when it's just a picture posted on a blog, i think such attire is fine. but if i had to talk to her in person, i would be in trouble. such a blatant attempt to turn me into a blabbering idiot is simply not fair.

Anonymous said...

I think we should do an experiment where every girl would wear a see-thru shirt with no bra for a day or month. First, we could the least attractive 25% of ladies in an intensive science training program. Then, they would be in charge of sorting out all the data, because god knows the men aren't going to be able to get anything done.

Anonymous said...

What experiment? What data? Finish your story arc, anonymous.

Anonymous said...

That reminds of one of my buddies when I was about 14 years old. For some reason he thought it was rather amusing to unzip his pants and walk around with his gonads hanging out. This got to be such a habit that I think he'd sometimes forget his nads were even out.

Anonymous said...

did i just read the word "gonads" on RBlog?