Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My own personal hell

I'm about halfway through the last class of my first year of b-school: Leadership Communications. It is basically a glorified speech class. The focus is entirely on public speaking and in each class we either have to give a presentation or stand up and do some kind of impromptu gig.

For the first time in my life I am coming to terms with the fact that I am shy. I don't like public speaking and it makes me crazy nervous. It inspires in me the same kind of anxiety that other people get from enclosed spaces or flying. It should not be a big deal, but for some reason I can't control my emotional response to it (a fact that I hate). I suppose the only thing that will improve the situation is practice... and possibly a lot of Xanax.

This is my next assignment (to be delivered next Monday night):

"You are to prepare a 4-5 minute persuasive speech. That means convincing your audience (and in this case, it's the group of students in front of you!) to take action concerning a controversial and significant topic. (Understand controversial in this case means people hold different opinions, though the more controversial the topic, the more you will challenge yourself!) And you will use NO visual aids!

A few additional points:
- Your objective is to inspire your audience to take action to support your position. - Your audience is the particular group of MBA students in your breakout group. (I am repeating this point to emphasize I want no role plays for this exercise!)
- Remember the topic is one you feel strongly about; include your personal reasons for the position you take, and/or your connection to the topic.
- Do not forget the emotional impact of a persuasive speech.
- While the topic is personal and emotional, remember the importance of logic. Prove your points. Use good evidence.
- Tell stories to illustrate your points.
- 4 - 5 minutes is not a long time. Limit the topic. Stay focused.

Seems like picking a good topic is going to be the key to a successful speech. Something controversial that I feel passionately about and could handle discussing in front of a room full of MBAs... suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Brittney Spears: Trashy or just caught up in the hype!

Anonymous said...

T-Shirts and Mohawks in the Boardroom: Why MBA Men Should Look Like Brad Pit

Anonymous said...

Graffiti. You could talk about how it's not actually a crime like pickpocketing, but rather an art form (for example: http://woostercollective.com ), and that NYC's new anti-grafitti law that makes it illegal for anyone under 21 to possess or buy spray paint or a large-tip felt markers (seriously: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060425/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_life_graffiti ). You could argue for the creation of graffiti galleries in cities, such as SF or even Berkeley, by converting empty lots (such as the one at the corner of Telegraph and Haste). People who want to put up a burn (the term for a graffiti piece) can apply for a specific week to have it up there; each person's burn would stay up one week. They would submit the design, get it approved, and then get an appointment time to put it up. They get the artistic outlet, the public gets the free art gallery, property doesn't get defaced, and everyone's happy.

Shit, I could write the speech for you and you can take the credit.

You should Netflix the documentary "Style Wars" and watch it.

Anonymous said...

*that NYC's new anti-graffiti law is unconstitutional.

RB said...

Grafitti is a good idea... not sure if I could fake passion about it. Just not sure I care that much (part of the speech has to be why I feel connected to the issue -- probably couldn't convince them I'm a grafitti artist by night). I will keep it on the short list.

RB said...

Mohawks in the Boardroom is much more my style. Have been trying to convince a friend to start his i-bank internship with a hawk. Sadly, he's not buying into it so far.

Anonymous said...

Final Exams: An Outdated, Chauvanistic, and Inadequate Method of Student Evaluation

Anonymous said...

If I know you (and I think I do), you're fairly passionate about the wrongness found herein:

"Cruise explains, 'Katie is a young girl's name. Her name is Kate now she's a child-bearing woman.'"

Anonymous said...

well, what did you decide to speak on? did the trip around the city help you find a topic?

Anonymous said...

Looks like your work against the outrageous NYC graffiti ban was successful!


Great work, RB.

Anonymous said...

What about a speech on what you will and won’t do/try in the bedroom. Everyone can think of good reasons to support those beliefs. e.g. “its icky”, “smells bad”, “my hips dislocate when I do that.”.