Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The new Blogger

I have been trying to convert this blog to the new, non-Beta version that Google has been pushing since back when I actually posted stuff. Today, I think the site decided to let me make the switch, but it has taken an hour so far and I'm still getting nothing but "Your account is currently moving to new Blogger. You will get an email when your move is complete." Kinda seems like the brainiacs at Google should be able to translate my silly blog to Punjabi and beam it to Mars in under an hour, while doing calculus problems on a treadmill. Why the hell is this taking so long?

Once I'm up and running on the new Blogger, I'm considering giving RBlog a whole new look to renew my interest. At the very least, I needs a format that is more photo-friendly. If you have suggestions, make them now.

I'm slightly worried that the promotion of the new Blogger is an early sign that Google is going to start charging for this service. Those worries are fueled by the fact that I've never been able to figure out how Google makes as much money as it seems to make. My favorite rumor about how cool it is to work for Google is that they have an on-campus gym with the equivalent of swimming pool treadmills. I don't know what they're called, but they're mini lap pools where you swim in place against a big jet of water. My second favorite rumor about Google is that the big black buses with the tinted windows that have been spotted in the evenings around Noe Valley and Cole Valley are Google buses, sent to pick up and drop off employees... urban-chic school buses that shuttle between the city and Mountain View.

It's been an hour and a half now. This is ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

Those buses are for real, aren't htey? Not just rumor?

Anonymous said...