Thursday, April 05, 2007

Turd dreams

I received a rare email from Turd Ferguson this morning. He wanted to tell me about this dream he had last night:

"We were at the Seafood and Wine Festival up here in Oregon. It was me, you, some girl from your business school, and Scotty Leonard. It was clear for some reason that you and Scotty were dating or something. All of a sudden, this conversation takes place--

Girl-"Becky thinks you should have gone to business school."

Me-"Really? That's cool."

Girl-"But actually, I think you look more like a janitor."

Then the Goose showed up and I followed her around a candy store trying to get her attention, because she didn't know me and I really liked her or something. Then my teeth started falling out and I woke up."

Turd then went on to tell me that he has recurring dreams about his teeth falling out, which is super weird because I do, too, and I always have.

RB and Turd -- separated at birth?

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