Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Speaking of children

Sam's fifth birthday is right around the corner. What does a five-year-old boy want for his birthday? Difficult to determine. When you ask him, he says "something trains," but this is not helpful as he already owns every train related thing ever invented.

And I hate the trains. Blech. I guess I should mention that they're not just regular old train-set trains, but Thomas the Tank Engine trains that all have little cartoon faces on the ends and a corresponding DVD with high-pitched, sing-songy British voices. The DVD plays on repeat forever automatically, unless you turn it off.

For Christmas I went with books. There were some slightly bloody Tyranosaurus Rex-related titles that went over well. The all-time favorite was a book about dinosaur fossils. It featured glow-in-the-dark dinosaur skeletons on each page. Big hit.

I'll admit the books weren't a huge thrill upon unwrapping, but they seemed to be appreciated over time. I'll probably stick with books out of loyalty to my industry. And because I want to make sure the kid learns how to read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Memphis, who is a recently-turned-five-year-old, says the boys at her school like to play Legos and do puzzles. We recently purchased the game "Kerplunk" for her friend Alex's fifth birthday, and I hear Magnetix are fun for this age, too, but we don't have either of these suggestions at home because Grayson thinks everything is food...