Saturday, November 12, 2005

Holiday gifts that give back

At a recent panel presentation at Haas, I heard an alumni speak about a non-profit that several Haas graduates started after completing their MBAs. Their organization, World of Good, markets and distributes fair trade gifts and accessories, while promoting consumer awareness of the ethics behind purchases.

On December 3, from noon to 8pm, World of Good is opening their Berkeley warehouse for holiday shopping, hors d'ouvres, and cocktails. Half of all proceeds earned will go to support social and economic projects in artisan communities around the world -- and I must say that they carry a lot of really beautiful gifts. They've got excellent potential presents for girlfriends, sisters, and moms.

Some of the pretty things that caught my eye include:


The Faux-Sure Handbag, made at a co-op in South India that supports and HIV clinic, day-care services, health education, and primary education for the local community.


The Beads of Change necklace, made by fair trade artisans working on the outskirts of Delhi, India.


These purses enable women from traditionally marginalized classes in Gujarat, India to learn and use embroidery skills to improve their quality of living.


The workshop that creates these Amazon Harvest necklaces provides jobs and services to at-risk Colombian youth.

The open house will be held at 1380 10th Street, Berkeley, CA 94710. If you can't make it to the warehouse, you can order these items, and a ton of others, at

Now you know what everyone on my list is getting for the holidays this year.

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