Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Posting from a PC

For the first time ever, I am posting to RBlog from the Inspiron. The keyboard is so compact it's almost difficult to type. I guess I'll get used to it. Also, RBlog doesn't look as nice on a PC. The fonts and things don't come out as fancy. Actually, they come out super ugly and kinda hard to read. Maybe I should change them. How many of you have been reading RBlog from a PC all this time? Did you ever find yourself hating the fonts?

Also, the connection seems much slower than on my Mac. That shouldn't be true, right? It's the same wireless service.

I need to stop hitting this weird other mouse button. Ack!

Sometimes I don't think I deal with change very well.


Turd Ferguson said...

Shouldn't the title be "Posting from a Laptop" since thats like, what you are doing? Just asking...

RB said...

Is a laptop not a PC? I thought a PC referred to everything that isn't a Mac.

Anonymous said...

it does...

Turd Ferguson said...

Apologies. I thought PC went a desktop. Please, do continue.

Anonymous said...

Fonts have always looked fine to me.

Anonymous said...

Your site has always looked good to me, too. It definitely does look different on a PC from what it looks like on a Mac, though. But the same goes for my blog and everybody else's; it has to do with your font settings on your Mac (like, you probably have Didot for your Safari font, or something, so everything on the Interwebs looks completely different and cooler). And your connection isn't what's slower; it's your Web browser. Internet Explorer loads Web pages slower than Safari, Firefox, Opera...actually, slower than every other browser out there. But hey, at least it's not your imagination, right?

Damn: longest. Comment. Ever.