Saturday, October 13, 2007

Are they telling us to shut up?

Young Dad (the same one who fancies himself a musician) and family wrote us a note! It came through our mail slot late in the week. The handwriting makes me think it was probably written my Mrs. Young Dad.

The note reads:

"Hi All --

We're having friends with 19 month old twins to stay through Tuesday, I believe. They'll be staying in our middle room -- bedtime 8:00. Wake up time is usually 6:15 -- we'll see how they do in a new place. Regardless, we will do our best not to disturb you."

Is this a polite warning of possible noise to come? Or is this a passive aggressive command to be quiet between the hours of 8pm and 6am? They'd best look out having just set a precedent for note writing.

P.S. The guitar was going last night until 11:45pm, twins or no twins. I have yet to hear a baby noise come of of that apartment.

P.P.S. Yes, I was home on a Friday night, trying to sleep at 11:45pm. What of it?