Sunday, October 09, 2005

Here's what I'm going to be for Halloween, y'all:


I'm going to have the scariest costume ever! I'm trying to convince Jeff to dress as K-Fed, but he's having none of it. I even told him that it would give him a valid reason to chain smoke all night, but he remains unswayed.


Anonymous said...

I have an outfit that can be Cher or Angelica Houston (circa Studio 55). The Hip wants to be neither Sonny nor Jack Nicholson. Unbelievable.

Turd Ferguson said...

He'd make a great Sonny. That guy definitely wore gay buckle shoes.

Anonymous said...

Plus Sonny was a Scientologist!

Anonymous said...

OK, this has gone on too long. I never made any indication that I didn't want to be either Sonny or Jack Nicholson. All I said was that Bono was a Scieno and that I didn't know if that made me not want to go as him or really want to go as him. Because we all know my other option is the rennaisance poofy shirt and shorts combo with tights and a lute, and I don't have a lute.