How is Katie Holmes pregnant?! And why? They can't possibly be sleeping together. There is no question in my mind that her relationship with Tom Cruise is only a publicity stunt. Is it possible that she was desperate for just such an arrangement back in April, because she was already knocked up? The Bible would have us believe that virgin births used to happen all over the place. Maybe they're coming back into vogue?
I'm so confused.
My question is . . . how far along IS she? I mean, you've seen my pictures, I'm 6 mo and not as big as she looks!
My other comment is that in a publicity article it said they were planning a wedding in November because Tom is an old fashioned kind of guy and wants to be married before the baby comes. Now, I know tradtions change, but isn't the "old fashioned way" to get married before there's even a baby?
Their whole relationship just confuses me . . . Oh, and I really doubt that her family (especially her father) is really excited about their little ex-Catholic girl getting pregnant by a 42? yr old before her marriage to him.
i heard her dad said he was "no good". i agree.
and clare, i wondered the same thing. just a few weeks ago they announced "guess what i'm pregnant!" and the next picture i saw it was as if she fast-forwarded through 7 months of pregnancy! a little fishy i think.
I heard somewhere that her dad yelled at him and said "you're no good" the last time they hung out for just that reason, Claire. Her parents had better be getting a really big house out of this deal. Otherwise I can't wait for their tell-all memoirs.
I thought Katie was saving herself for marriage. Apparently not, or as you say, virginial births are the latest fad.
Yeah, Tom's definitely an old fashioned kind of guy. It's probably all the 75-million-year-old alien souls in his body that keep him rooted in that wholesome, traditional mentality of his.
Hail Xenu!
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