Friday, January 06, 2006

More fun with Glögg

The last night that my roomies and I were in town before the holidays, Anita surprised us with a Swedish Christmas treat. Yes, there was more Glögg involved, but the treat was that she got all decked out in her traditional Lucia Day gear. In Sweden, on Lucia Day, the oldest girl in each family dresses up in a white gown with red sash and a crown of candles. She then wakes the rest of her family up by bringing them a big, delicious breakfast, including coffee, saffron buns, and Glögg, of course.

Anita said that Lucia Day actually happens earlier in December, but she had run into some difficulties finding a day that we were all in our beds in the morning and not completely hung over. She decided to convert it into an evening Christmas celebration since she was also concerned that Nadia and I might freak out if she turned up in our bedrooms to wake us up looking like this:


She's got a point. It would definitely be a little startling if you didn't know what was coming. Now that we've been introduced to this Swedish tradition, we've been warned to be prepared next December.


Anonymous said...

Awesome. Kirsten was always my favorite American Girl.

RB said...

Linda, what in the world does that comment mean?

Anonymous said...

I was about to make a similar American Girl statement, though I was more of a Samantha gal

The BCB said...

That outfit kicks ass. I want one.