Saturday, September 03, 2005

Domestically disabled

How does one fold the bedsheets with elastic around the edges? They don't lie flat. There aren't corners to match up. My elastic-rimmed bedsheets always just wind up in a wrinkled heap next to the flat foldable ones and the pillow cases. Can anyone fill me in on the proper technique? Perhaps there's trick to storing them neatly without folding?


Anonymous said...

this has peeved me for I can do is sort of fold the elasticized edges in. then you have an octagon-esqe thing then go from there. It still aint pretty though and it pretty much takes two people to do it.

Anonymous said...

This is how I usually fold the fitted sheets: Fold the longer sides, putting each elastic corner inside the other. Then combine so all four corners are one. Because there is a thick elastic corner the connecting edges want to fold in. Let them do so because then you'll have more of a square. Continue to fold as desired. Are you a tri-folder or an in-half-folder? Let yourself go!

Anonymous said...

I just kind of haphazardly fold them into a mass of sheet. I figure if somebody has the honor of getting in my bed, s/he won't mind some wrinkles.

RB said...

Huh... I guess dudes don't fold sheets. None of them had any comments to offer.

Why am I not surprised?