Friday, August 17, 2007

Digestive woes continue

Things aren't getting much better inside my digestive system, but on the bright side they're not getting worse either. I think my doctor might be onto something with the no dairy plan. Those MDs -- they know stuff. I discovered this the hard way.

I woke up around 2am on Monday night to find that my roommate had just stocked up on a brand new quart of 2%, and, predictably, I fell off the wagon. I drank about half of it before I went back to bed (sorry, Nadia). It was so delicious and refreshing, and it answered every craving I'd been having for the last two and a half weeks. The milk binge did result in extreme "problems" about 12 hours later, though. As a result, I'm back to avoiding all things dairy (aka all things good).

I think I've finally grown accustomed to soy milk in coffee, but there's just no replacement for cheese. As is evidenced by the fact I've lost 15 pounds since June.

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