Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My whereabouts

I bet it seems a bit like I've fallen off the face of the planet. After a brief revival, I haven't been keeping up on the blogging. I've been out of the swing of my usual habits and out of touch with everyone. The past few weeks have been more introspective that usual and I've mostly been occupied by
hanging out with Sally,
standing around in airports,
writing papers,
networking and attending informational interviews,
trying to get a Chinese visa,
scratching my inexplicably extremely itchy legs and worrying that I developed have a skin condition,
meditating on parenthood,
planning a BBQ,
being trapped in my cube,
feeling very much in love,
shopping for a summer cocktail dress,
reading leadership books,
and trying to gear up for summer, which feels almost within my reach.

My semester ends next week. Two papers to go, before school ends and I launch myself head-first into an extended period of travel.

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